
Tuesday 16 June 2015

Saturday 13 June 2015

I tenim més d'un premi!

Boys and girls de sisè! Doneu un cop d'ull al bloc del projecte, ens informen de que hem guanyat el darrer llibre del nostre mentor, en Christophe Galfard, que el dilluns també publicarà quin és el seu projecte favorit. També han actualitzat el bloc i penjat tota la nostra feina. Congratulations... you did a great job!!!!

Tuesday 7 April 2015


After months of hard work... here are the projects that "El Sol i la Lluna" is presenting to "International Year of Light".


Thursday 5 February 2015

Don't lose that!

Boys and girls! This weekend there is an special event related to Light in Barcelona. It seems very interesting!

Sunday 25 January 2015

Our partners!

You can see in this link the presentations from the schools that are in our project "International Year of light" http://iylight2015.blogspot.fr/

Sunday 18 January 2015